
Monthly Incentives Program Terms & Conditions

The Alpha Impact Monthly Incentives Program (“Program”) is an online service offered by Alpha Impact. The Alpha Impact Monthly Incentives Program Agreement (‘Agreement’) is entered into by Alpha Labs Pte. Ltd. (‘Alpha Impact’) and the referring party executing this Agreement (‘Participant’). This Agreement governs the Participant’s participation in the Alpha Impact Monthly Incentives Program described herein (‘Program’). You represent and warrant that: (i) you have the full legal authority to enter into this Agreement, (ii) you have read and understood the Agreement, (iii) you agree to the terms of this Agreement, and (iv) your participation in this Monthly Incentives Program does not contravene any regulations or laws in your jurisdiction. If you do not have the legal authority to enter into this Agreement or do not agree to these terms, please do not join the Program below.


The Program allows eligible persons to participate in the Program by connecting an API key to the Alpha Impact platform to compete against other traders in the program. If the trader satisfies various requirements as established (and subject to change without notice to the participant) as set out by Alpha Impact, they can potentially receive a sum of virtual assets in respect of that Program.


By participating or attempting to participate in the Program (in both cases, “participating”), you confirm that you understand and agree to these Program terms and conditions (“Monthly Incentives Program Terms”), which form part of the Agreement.


This Agreement is effective between the Participant and Alpha Impact as of the date of participating in the program.



‘Ineligible Referral’ means anyone located in Afghanistan, the Balkans, Belarus, Burma, Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Liberia, North Korea, Russia, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe, or any sanctioned individual/nation state contained on the OFAC SDN list. Alpha Impact may in its sole discretion change or update the definition of Ineligible Referral without notice to users.


1. The program commences on or around 12.00 am GMT on 11th April 2022 and will continue until further notice. The company may at its sole discretion and without notifying participants to suspend or terminate the program.


2. Agreement to Rules: By participating, you agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules, and you represent and warrant that you meet the eligibility requirements set forth herein. In addition, you agree to accept the decisions of Alpha Impact, as final and binding as it relates to the content. The Monthly Incentive Program (“Program”) is subject to all applicable local laws.


3. Alpha Impact reserves the right to amend the program or any other aspect of these terms at its sole discretion.


4. To enter the program an Entrant must, during the competition period:

  • Sign up for an Alpha Impact account via the account registration pages at https://app.alphaimpact.fi/account/register; For users who have an existing account, they must log in regularly each month; AND
  • Ensure that at least one exchange API is connected to Alpha Impact, and set to public; AND
  • Post technical analysis on the Alpha Impact platform and use the hashtags #TA and #REWARDS on each post;
  • Or, Achieve the top rate of return out of all traders on the Alpha Impact platform each month;


5. The entry must fulfill all requirements, as set out in these terms and conditions and as stated on https://alphaimpact.fi/monthly-incentives-program/ , to be eligible to win incentives. Entries that are not complete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Alpha Impact.


6. Entry is free, and no purchase on the Alpha Impact account is necessary to enter or win. A purchase does not increase the chances of winning.


7. Spam entries are prohibited and will result in a user’s entry being invalidated.


8. Any and all expenses, including without limitation any and all local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the winner. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by winners is permitted.


9. Acceptance of reward constitutes permission for Alpha Impact to publish the user’s details, including but not limited to the user name, name, and entry for purposes of advertising the user without further compensation unless prohibited by law.


10. Winner selection and notification:

Winners of the Program will be selected by Alpha Impact at the company’s sole discretion, based on whether or not entries meet the conditions set out at https://alphaimpact.fi/monthly-incentives-program/. The company will use its sole discretion to identify winners based on the criteria set out on our website and in these terms and conditions. Winners will be notified by email if their entry is accepted to receive a prize, at the email address provided during registration.


11. There will be one prize per month.


12. Alpha Impact shall have no liability for a winner’s failure to receive notices due to the winner’s spam, junk e-mail, or other security settings or for the winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information.


13. If the selected winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 14 days from the time award notification was sent, or fails to timely return a completed and executed declaration and releases as required, the reward may be forfeited and an alternate winner may be selected.


14. The receipt by the winner of the reward offered in this Competition is conditioned upon compliance with any and all laws, regulations, bylaws, ordinances, or otherwise, whether national, federal, state, local, or otherwise.


15. Alpha Impact is not (in any jurisdiction) a licensed broker, dealer, exchange, or financial intermediary, and is not otherwise licensed by any jurisdiction regarding the sending of cryptocurrencies.


16. Alpha Impact has not taken any steps to register the FOLO token as a security in any jurisdiction.


17. Alpha Impact is not licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore in any capacity.


18. Alpha Impact is not licensed by any regulatory body in any jurisdiction.


19. Receiving and dealing in cryptocurrencies involves a degree of risk. By participating in this competition, Entrant agrees that they have sufficient skill and expertise to evaluate whether or not this competition is appropriate, given the Entrant’s unique circumstances.


20. Limitation of Liability:

The Company’s aggregate monetary liability for violations of this Agreement will not exceed an amount equal to any and all fees paid by Participants within the preceding twelve-­‐month period pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall The Company be liable for special, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of obligations undertaken in this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, The Company makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the services rendered by itself, its servants or agents, or the results obtained from their work, including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability, non-­‐infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.


21. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore, excluding its conflict of laws principles. The parties agree, consent and waive contest to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of Singapore for all disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract.


22. Digital Asset compatibility: Alpha Impact has sole and absolute discretion to determine the Virtual Assets, if any, that are accepted as currencies that are eligible to be traded and any such determination and direction by Alpha Impact does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation in respect of any Virtual Asset.


23. Calculation of Portfolio gains: Portfolio gains are calculated in percentage terms by the formula:

(Final Value of Portfolio – Any withdrawals made during the competition period) / (Initial Value of Portfolio + any deposits made during the competition period)


24. No reasons or notice required of Alpha Impact: Alpha Impact is not required to give any reasons or notice before exercising any discretion that it may have in respect of a Monthly Incentive Program, whether under the general Terms and Conditions, these Monthly Incentive Program Terms, or otherwise.


25. API Failure: By participating in this competition, you acknowledge that an API or other technical failure can occur, resulting in missed trades, portfolio miscalculations, and otherwise. Alpha Impact does not warrant against an API failure or malfunction. Traders participating in the program may be affected by API failures or malfunctions (howsoever caused) which may affect the tabulation of winners of the contest. By participating, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Alpha Impact and its affiliates, partners, agents, directors, officers, and employees in the event of an API failure or malfunction, including where your trades are not properly reconciled and/or recognized by the Alpha Impact platform, or in the event that an API failure or Alpha Impact’s technology performs unexpectedly. Whether or not failures are caused by an API failure or otherwise, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Alpha Impact and its agents, affiliates, and otherwise.


26. Events: Participation in the Monthly Incentive Program must occur within the dates and times, and in the time zone, designated by Alpha Impact in respect of that Monthly Incentive Program. Notwithstanding any such designation, Alpha Impact may amend, suspend, end, or declare any Monthly Incentive Program completed, in whole or in part, at any time for any reason. Additional terms may apply for each month. These additional terms will be stated on the Website, and are in addition to these Monthly Incentive Program Terms.


27. Authority to refuse or disqualify: Impact may refuse or disqualify any participation in a Monthly Incentive Program, in whole or in part, at any time for any reason.


28. Deposits and Withdrawals of contributed Virtual Assets: Virtual Assets that are contributed to a Monthly Incentive Program will occur in the user’s own exchange account and can be withdrawn from that Monthly Incentive Program at any time. Deposits and withdrawals will not count for or against rewards.


29. Modification of Details: Alpha Impact retains full authority to, at its sole discretion, modify the details of the Monthly Incentive Program including the duration or prizes.


30. Multiple simultaneous Monthly Incentive Programs: Alpha Impact may run simultaneous incentive programs. Users may be unable to participate in multiple incentive programs simultaneously.


31. Errors in allocations of Virtual Assets: If for whatever reason there are any errors in the calculation of prizes or winners, or any other such type of calculation affecting any part of the competition, Alpha Impact will have the right to take remedial actions to correct the error. If the error cannot be rectified Alpha Impact will settle the competition by electing winners according to its sole discretion.


32. Limitation and Maximum Liability: Participants indemnify and will keep indemnified Alpha Impact and their agents from any loss, liability, cost or expense resulting from participation in this competition. The maximum aggregate liability of Alpha Impact under or in connection with this agreement, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory, or otherwise must not exceed the fees payable by the participant in order to enter this competition.


33. Power to revise: Alpha Impact may revise or cancel these Monthly Incentive Program Terms at any time without notice to participants or other stakeholders.


34. Power to upgrade, downgrade or cancel: Alpha Impact may upgrade, downgrade or cancel the Monthly Incentive Program or access to it at any time.


35. Notification: Alpha Impact will seek to notify material changes to the Monthly Incentive Program or these Monthly Incentive Program Terms on the Website, but any failure to do so does not result in any liability on Alpha Impact’s part.


36. Disclaimer of liability: Unless any Applicable Law prohibits Alpha Impact from excluding or limiting its liability or where the Loss is directly caused by its own gross negligence, fraud, or wilful misconduct, Alpha Impact is not liable for any loss incurred in connection with a Monthly Incentive Program.


37. No prospectus or solicitation: Nothing stated in these Monthly Incentive Program Terms is a prospectus or a solicitation for investment and does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. Alpha Impact makes no representation regarding the regulatory or legal status of any Virtual Asset. Alpha Impact will not make any attempt to register any Monthly Incentive Program under any legal or regulatory regime, nor is Alpha Impact aware of any review of the Monthly Incentive Program by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction. Alpha Impact does not hold itself out as carrying out any regulated activity in any jurisdiction. Under no circumstances do these Monthly Incentive programs or any other material relating to the Monthly Incentive Program constitute a recommendation or advice of any kind.


38. Due diligence: Before participating in the Monthly Incentive Program, a participant must conduct their own due diligence and ensure that their participation complies with Applicable Law, including with respect to Virtual Assets, Taxes, and securities. By participating in the Monthly Incentive Program, a participant represents and warrants that it is lawful for them to do so.

  1. Risk factors: The Monthly Incentive Program involves risks, some of which are set out in the Annex to the Exchange Terms and Conditions. In addition, the following risks may apply Partial or total loss of Virtual Assets, or of any value attributed to Virtual Assets.
  2. The collapse in liquidity with respect to a Virtual Asset.
  3. Changes in the compatibility of a Virtual Asset with any Monthly Incentive Program.
  4. Regulatory uncertainty with respect to Virtual Assets and/or DeFi projects, government action against Virtual Assets and/or DeFi projects, and persons involved in Virtual Assets and/ DeFi projects.
  5. Loss of Virtual Assets in any Monthly Incentive Program.
  6. Counterparty risk arises from the use of third-party exchanges that Alpha Impact does not control.


A participant must consider carefully whether the risks are acceptable before participating in a Monthly Incentive Program.

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