In the 5 years since our team entered the crypto market, we’ve witnessed the rise and fall of many currencies. To those outside the industry, it is easy to perceive investing in digital assets as something akin to playing a game of chance at the casino. Many industry experts understand this not to be the case: it’s possible to be a successful trader just by paying attention. Projects publish roadmaps and updates in advance, certain assets trade within a fixed volatility range, certain assets move 1-2 days behind certain other assets. The ability to generate alpha in crypto investing has previously been reserved for insiders and experts.
FOLO is to democratize access by allowing expert traders to monetize their trading and build a community. Finally, an opportunity for beginners and enthusiasts to get access to the same trading expertise insiders have had for years.
Experts can, from the first month on the platform, get paid just for sharing access to their account, trades, and analysis. All the fees we charge our users are shared with our expert traders based on their participation and results on our platform.
Beginners can have peace of mind knowing that traders on our platform cannot fake their returns, given that we pull performance data from the trader’s exchange account directly.
We’re the first to give traders a platform to grow their community, from exchange to payments to social media.
We enable users to find an expert trader to follow across the risk spectrum.
We’re an entry platform for people just getting started with crypto trading.
We want to give people with $25 the same access to investment products as those with $25,000.
Our platform is built to look and feel like a social platform rather than a confusing trading platform. The idea is simple: the “community” that exists in most investing groups is full of spam, fake accounts, and scammers, and we think we can do better. By combining each trader’s profile with their real-time portfolio and trading history, everyone can separate the good traders from the bad.
Automatically copy an expert trader, proportional to your portfolio. When they make a trade, you make a trade. If they trade 2% of their portfolio, you’ll trade 2% of their portfolio. Don’t forget, you can choose which traders you want to follow, and for how much. Remember, Alpha Impact never asks you to make a deposit, and funds always stay in your exchange account.
Connect your existing exchange account, such as Binance, FTX, Binance.US,, and KuCoin. Our platform gives you the convenience and security to keep assets on the exchange of your choice. You’ll connect your exchange account with Alpha Impact through a type of connection called an API connection. This highly secure connection means that only you can access your funds. We gain a limited permission to execute trades on your behalf, but those trades happen on your exchange account and your funds never leave your wallet.
Each trader on our platform connects their exchange account via a read-only API key. This authorizes our users to see the trader’s returns and trades in real time. For users who have subscribed to the platform, they will see a chart detailing each trader’s historical returns, broken down by month, week, day, or year. Users who have not subscribed will still have access to this data, but it will be delayed by 72 hours.
View how each trader is tracking according to three predetermined metrics. Financial: overall returns, risk-adjusted returns, and approximate value of account. Social: The trader’s social activity on our platform, the age of their account, the number of subscribers, engagement metrics such as likes / reshares per post, age of the trader’s account. Behavioral: our proprietary risk management tools where we examine each trader’s ratio of volume to the average trader’s volume, volume to time weighted returns, volume to account size. Monitoring these three ratios provide us with a warning system that allows us to suspend users who are engaged in wash trading. Use this feature to monitor and track performance of your own portfolios in one place! (no more manual tracking via spreadsheets)
Earn fees by sharing your portfolio and trades, even if users don’t copy your trades. For those wanting to earn even more fees, post regularly on our platform by sharing content, analysis, insights and news. We charge a subscription fee aimed at allowing users to pay to receive premium insights from traders.
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