
Team Alpha Impact

All, App Releases 24 May 2022

Application Release 2.6 | Giving a fresh start to your portfolio

Alpha Impact introduces how you can revitalize your portfolio by resetting it. Let’s find out more about how to reset your portfolio and what are the other UX improvements.


Featured Traders

Alpha Impact Featured Traders - image source
Homepage of the Alpha Impact Platform

A “Featured Traders” sidebar widget has been added to our homepage (only available in desktop mode). This tab would feature traders with the most engaging content and those with the best performances in the particular month.



Alpha Impact 2FA pop up - image source

For new users, either “Set up 2FA” or “Link Portfolio” will show up on your homepage as reminders to set these features up. Linking a portfolio is integral to the usage of our platform. The 2FA feature will greatly enhance your user experience and safety on our platform. You will also be prompted to link your Telegram account for real-time notifications if you have not already.


Resetting Portfolio History

Now on to the feature that we are most excited to share! We understand the difficulty in revitalizing your portfolios (especially if you get liquidated…), thus we have come up with a solution. This solution will allow you to reset your portfolio history and you will be able to start from a clean state for performance and trade tracking.

To reset Alpha Impact portfolio history - image source
To reset portfolio history

The previously recorded data will then be reset and moved into the “Portfolio Reset History” tab.

Alpha Impact Portfolio Reset History: Archived Data Reset - image source

This tab will show you all your reset histories and will be private to you only.


“All-Time” Performance Charts

All-Time Performance
Alpha Impact All-Time Performance Charts - image source
Portfolio Charts
“Discover” Tab

Our “All-Time” performance charts will now be updated daily, instead of at the end of each week to enhance your user experience. These updates can be found on your portfolio charts, all-time performance, as well as on the “Discover” tab.


Linked Portfolios

  • Responsive Web App for mobile/tablet edit and view modes
  • New help section for linking API keys


Bug Fixes

  • Clear discover trader data between switching various time periods on the leaderboard
  • Update Profile stats for “Previously yearly returns” to “All-time returns”
  • Improved Positions PnL after the position is increased or decreased (but not closed)
  • “Guest Mode” no longer displays performance charts when there are no data available


Other Updates

  • Expanded stablecoin support for capturing FTX deposit/withdrawal movements
  • Other minor UX enhancements, bug fixes, and house cleaning


About Alpha Impact

Alpha Impact is a non-custodial, technology platform building social infrastructure and integrates with Interoperable Real-World Signals.

Our Interoperable platform provides real-time trade signals, multi-exchange trade execution, and advanced portfolio and risk management. This empowers signal providers to monetise their expertise and actionable insights through a social community.

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