
How to connect your Kucoin account to Alpha Impact?

Kucoin API Setup:

  1. Log in to Kucoin on desktop.
  2. Complete Identity Verification first.
  3. Navigate to API Management from the left-hand menu bar.
  4. Enable these Permissions:
    • Tick “Spot & Margin Trading” (required for monetising your profile!).
    • Tick “Restrict access to trusted IPs only” (recommended).
  5. Whitelist these IPs: and
  6. Save your API Key & Secret Key securely!

On Alpha Impact:

  1. On Alpha Impact, select “Linked Portfolio”.
  2. Enter your Kucoin API Key and Secret Key.
  3. Ensure that “Spot & Margin Trading” is enabled.

Note: Whilst whitelisting is not mandatory, we highly encourage it for added security purposes. 

For a more detailed guide with steps, click here

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