Application Release 2.1.0 | 2FA Reinforcement and Account Security
Alpha Impact’s best interest is always providing the best security to our users. This release introduces what Alpha Impact improved on security.
Release Notes:
Enhanced Security — Gold-Standard OAuth provider integration
- 2FA is now available
- Responsive Menu (Hamburger) for mobile screens (First steps towards a fully responsive web app)
- Removed collapsible side menu
Portfolio Enhancements
- Total portfolio value (for Binance portfolios) can be privately seen when viewing own profile portfolio composition
- “Hide small value” checkboxes will be hidden if the portfolio has no data
- More robust data processing (auto-retry Binance network connection on failure)
Portfolio Linking
- API trade key Expiration Date is now viewable (if applicable) on linking new Binance portfolios (or by clicking the “refresh icon” for existing Binance portfolios)
About Alpha Impact
Alpha Impact is a non-custodial, technology platform building social infrastructure and integrates with Interoperable Real-World Signals.
Our Interoperable platform provides real-time trade signals, multi-exchange trade execution, and advanced portfolio and risk management. This empowers signal providers to monetise their expertise and actionable insights through a social community.
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