
Team Alpha Impact

All, App Releases 19 Sep 2022

Application Release 3.3 | KuCoin Exchange Integration

KuCoin users will be able to track their trading activities on Alpha Impact now. You can monitor multiple trading streams in just one place!


Today Alpha Impact is proud to announce the beginning of a new exchange integration, Kucoin.

Kucoin users will be able to track their trading activities on Alpha Impact now! Currently, Alpha Impact also supports other exchanges like Binance, Kucoin, FTX, and FTX.US.


What is KuCoin?



KuCoin is a global crypto exchange that provides a huge selection of cryptocurrencies and relatively low fees compared to other crypto exchanges. It also supports staking and margin, futures, and P2P trading, which may appeal to more experienced users.


KuCoin Portfolio Tracking (*NEW*)


Link KuCoin Portfolios!

Users can simply link their Kucoin Portfolio on Alpha Impact and track their main/trading account in real-time! Alpha Impact also keeps tabs on your coin performance and trade activities. You can now monitor multiple trading streams in just one place!



Track Open Orders

Kucoin users will be able to track their Open Orders (Limit, Stop Market, Stop Limit) and view their take profit/stop loss target as well as Order Fills.


Track movements

We understand there will be innumerable track movements such as deposits, withdrawals as well as intra-account transfers. Alpha Impact has also adjusted the artificial performance to normalize TWR (Time-weighted rate of return) performance.


Earn Subscriptions fees

Are you good at trading? Or are you thinking of becoming a crypto trader?

The skills of a crypto trader come from ongoing experience and development. They will come as a byproduct of working on your trading process. Not paper trading, but doing trades with real money on the line. Most traders don’t get many incentives for sharing their trading analysis with beginners.

But on Alpha Impact, we are here to democratize access by allowing expert traders to monetize their trading and build a community of their own.

Here’s how you can connect to these exchanges and start earning subscription fees through trading!

Monetizing your Profile and choosing your own FOLO subscription fees to charge.

For users who want to learn from these traders, once you subscribe you will get instant access to the Trader’s Portfolio transparency, historical trade performance, and trade alerts.

Subscribers (Paid users) will receive real-time trade signals and private trader announcements whereas Followers (Free users) will only receive 3-days delayed notifications.

Traders who want to start slow and build their community first can start to grow their followers first by non-monetizing their profile. For Non-monetized Profiles, all users will be able to receive real-time trade notifications for FREE.


Top Navigation Bar

Spot our New Navigation bar Wallet


The New Navigation bar wallet section shows a quick view of all the funds collected into your Alpha Impact FOLO wallet. You can also view a Real-time USD price of the FOLO token.

Best part? You don’t have to go to the Wallet Page to deposit/Buy FOLO, you can directly click the deposit/buy FOLO buttons and even view your past transactions!


Profile Task Completion widget with Guided Tours

For new users, you can see your own progress to Profile completion on Alpha Impact from the Top Navigation bar as well.


Here’s what you need to do to complete your profile:

1. Link Telegram

2. Subscribe to Traders

3. Link your Portfolio

Not sure how it works? There’s a guided tour for each Profile completion task!

UX enhancements

• Directly “add/link a portfolio” from your Profile

• Additional “Mute Forever” option within Subscriptions Overview

  • Add “Loading” animation when fetching more traders on the Discover page



• Faster loading of Profile subscribers for monetized Profiles

  • Other minor UX enhancements, bug fixes, and house cleaning


About Alpha Impact

Alpha Impact is a non-custodial, technology platform building social infrastructure and integrates with Interoperable Real-World Signals.

Our Interoperable platform provides real-time trade signals, multi-exchange trade execution, and advanced portfolio and risk management. This empowers signal providers to monetise their expertise and actionable insights through a social community.

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