
Team Alpha Impact

All, App Releases 17 Aug 2023

Buying FOLO made easier with Stripe Integration | What’s New in Release 6.1

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App Release 6.1 Banner - Using Stripe to buy FOLO with ease

Stripe Payments Integration: Effortless and Secure purchase of FOLO added

We understand the importance of convenience in your social trading activities. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce the integration of Stripe payments within the Alpha Impact application. Now, you have the option to purchase FOLO token directly through Stripe, eliminating the need to navigate decentralized exchanges. This streamlined process ensures a seamless experience, enabling you to focus more on your social trading strategies and less on transactions.

But what exactly are FOLO tokens, and how can they amplify your experience on the Alpha Impact platform? Dive into the world of FOLO and its potential in our comprehensive guide.

Guide for buying FOLO image 1

Open the Wallet Overlay on the top navigation bar to buy FOLO tokens

Guide for buying FOLO image 2

Key in the amount of USD that you would like to spend to buy FOLO

Key Points to Note:

  • Approximate Estimate of FOLO to be received: Given the volatility of cryptocurrencies prices, the amount of FOLO that you receive upon successful payment may deviate from the approximate estimate that is displayed.
  • Fees: There’s a flat fee of 0.50 USD as well as processing fee of 4.99%. We remain committed to offering you the best possible value for your transactions while ensuring a smooth and convenient process. These fees are in line with industry standards and allow us to continually enhance the Alpha Impact platform.
Guide for buying FOLO image 3 - key in details for Stripe payment

Key in your payment details here

Guide to buying FOLO image 4 - Stripe payment successful

Success screen shows upon successful payment

And that’s it! You may navigate to the Wallet page to verify that the transaction went through successfully. If you observe anything unexpected, please contact us on Telegram or email us 🙂

Incase you’re curious, here’s a link to the article that teaches you on how you could get FOLO via QuickSwap!

Enhanced Ticker Widget: Real-time Insights, Now with Smoother Scroll

Real-time market updates are essential for informed trading decisions. In this release, we’ve refined the cryptocurrency price ticker widget to scroll at a slower speed. This minor enhancement provides you with a more comfortable viewing experience of market data. Stay up-to-date with the latest price movements in a way that’s easier on the eyes.

Increased Transparency of Application Activities via Private Portfolios

User activity transparency fosters a sense of community and trust within the Alpha Impact platform. We’re excited to share that we’ve taken steps to enhance transparency while securely maintaining user privacy at the same time. Alpha Impact Users’ private portfolios’ names and exchanges are now publicly displayed. This update aims to raise awareness about the vibrant trading community and user activities occurring within the application. Rest assured that all other confidential portfolio information remains safeguarded.

Let’s take a look at mulog’s profile, who is one of our active traders on the platform.

Sample private portfolio with details hidden

Mulog has a private Binance portfolio called ‘LUNCstonk’, maybe he’s hodling some LUNC tokens? 🧐

Other than the portfolio’s name and its exchange, no other confidential information will be revealed to other users, but this heightens transparency of activities that’re happening on the platform, which is truly important in the crypto space.

Other Minor UX Enhancements

Scalability improvements, and house cleaning

Join us in exploring the exciting world of auto-copyable portfolios for monetized traders and unlock the potential for profitable trading with Alpha Impact!

Happy trading from the entire Alpha Impact team!

About Alpha Impact

Crypto Made Easy.

Alpha Impact is a social trading platform designed to bring trust to crypto trading. Whether you want to copy an expert trader automatically or you’re already a crypto trader and want to build and monetize your following, we’re building the infrastructure to take the guesswork out of crypto trading.

Traders on the Alpha Impact platform are some of the top-performing traders in crypto. In good markets or bad, our traders are incentivized to share their trades and trading strategies through the Alpha Impact platform. Finally, a place where users can filter through the noise and learn about crypto trading from experts with a visible track record. What’s even better is that traders have the incentive to share their investment thesis, analysis of the market, and the reasons behind their trades.

Built by experts from the traditional finance space, our philosophy is to empower everyone to become a crypto trader. Whether you’re a beginner wanting to learn from an expert, or an expert wanting to get paid, we’re here to democratize access to this industry, one trade at a time.

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