How to swap to MATIC on MetaMask?
In this guide, we will be explaining how to swap your cryptocurrency coins into MATIC on MetaMask. This guide will be a generic guide on how to swap your coins on MetaMask.
*To learn how to connect your MetaMask wallet to Polygon click here.
1. Open your MetaMask
To start off, you need to open your MetaMask on your desktop or mobile.
2. Exchanging MATIC
To swap for MATIC, you can easily swap your current crypto holdings to MATIC on MetaMask. For the purpose of this demonstration, we will be swapping USDT for MATIC on the Polygon network using MetaMask. This method can swap any of your cryptocurrencies into MATIC or even any other coins.
To facilitate the swap, click “Review Swap”
3. Review the Swap
Review the gas fees for the transaction, this is of utmost importance as any error might result in the loss of your coins. As we are on the Polygon network, the gas fees are kept very low at about $0.01 (at the time of swapping). The gas fees will be charged on MATIC, and this fee will depend on the network congestion at the time of withdrawal. Click “Swap” once you are done reviewing.
*Alpha Impact will not be liable for any loss of your coins or any error in your transactions.
What are gas fees?
Gas refers to the cost necessary to perform a transaction on the network. Miners set the gas price based on supply and demand for the computational energy needed to process and validate transactions. When you make a transaction, you will need to pay gas fees to ensure that your transaction goes through. The system works on a first-come-first-serve basis; to speed up your transaction, you will need to pay higher gas fees.
4. Wait for the transaction to go through
The speed will depend on the congestion of the network. Facilitating the swap on Polygon will be fast, about 30 seconds to a minute.
5. Success!
Once your transaction has gone through, the MATIC bought will be stored in your MetaMask wallet. You can also view the swap on Polygon Scan.
If you have more questions, feel free to check with our community:
To learn more:
Click here to learn How to connect Polygon to Metamask?
Click here to learn How to get MATIC?
Click here to access How to buy FOLO?
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