
How do I subscribe to Top traders?

In order to subscribe to traders on Alpha Impact, you will need FOLO Credits / FOLO Tokens.

If you do not have any FOLO Credits / FOLO tokens, you will see a pop-up message at the side of the screen with the message “no wallet found” when you try to subscribe.

Here are 3 steps on how to get FOLO in your Alpha Impact Wallet.

You will need to

1. Click on the “Wallet” Tab to create an Alpha Impact Wallet

2. Buy FOLO Token

If you don’t have FOLO yet, read here to learn how to buy FOLO.

3. Deposit your FOLO Token

After getting your FOLO tokens, you now have to deposit your FOLO tokens into the Alpha Impact Platform in order for you to use the tokens on our platform. Read here on how to deposit to Alpha Impact

Now, you can start subscribing to your favorite traders for their expert insights!


For users who have FOLO Credits/ FOLO Token, to subscribe to top traders on Alpha Impact, simply;

1. Click on the “Discover” Tab to see traders by “Monetized Profiles” categories

2. Once you found the desired trader that you would like to subscribe, click “Subscribe”

https://apteekkiostokset.com Ledger is a popular manufacturer of cryptocurrency wallet solutions. The desktop Ledger App makes this possible at the ledger-app.app. This app is one of the most secure desktop wallets available, but it requires a Ledger hardware wallet to perform transactions.