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Verified Trader

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Why join the Verified Trader Partnership?

Be featured on Alpha Impact’s Newsletter (FOLOGraph)

Leverage Alpha Impact brand to grow your community

Verified Blue Tick for Verified Traders only

The Verified Trader's Partnership offers several benefits for users who join. Traders who join will be awarded a Verified Blue Tick, which is only available for Verified Traders. This prestigious mark of verification can help members establish credibility and gain recognition within the Alpha Impact trading community.

Verified Trader
Partnership Benefits

Stand out from the crowd

Blue Verified Status Visible Across the Platform

Build your own reputation

A strong brand identity will boost your reputation as a social trader


Increase your exposure through cross-promotion across social channels on Alpha Impact.

Growth with Brand

Establish trust with your audience and increase your followers through Alpha Impact.

Content Leniency

Moderators will give you extra leniency with content moderation

Extra Security

Extra Security to prevent identity theft

What are the

Monetized Trader
Verified Monetized Trader Verified
Post on Newsfeed
TraderMonthly, min 1 high relevance post
Monetized TraderMonthly, min 4 high relevance posts
Verified Monetized TraderMonthly, min 8 high relevance posts
Content Leniency
TraderNot included
Monetized TraderLeniency
Verified Monetized TraderExtra Leniency
Profile Status
TraderPublic and Connected Portfolio
Monetized TraderPublic, Connected and Monetized Portfolio
Verified Monetized TraderPublic, Connected, Monetized and Autocopyable Portfolio
Min. Fund Value
Trader< $20 USD Value
Monetized Trader> $20 USD Value
Verified Monetized Trader> $1,000 USD Value
Verified Tick
TraderNot included
Monetized TraderNot included
Verified Monetized TraderIncluded

The Verified Trader Partnership costs $9.95 USD per month worth of FOLO, payable from credits or balance if credits are unavailable. This equates to approximately 3,333 FOLO, with 1 FOLO valued at 0.003 USD. Members can opt-out at any time. It's important to note that verification is not permanent and can be lost if requirements are not consistently met.

Interested in becoming a Verified Trader?

Distinguish Yourself as a Top Investor with Alpha Impact

- Share Your Expertise and Expand Your Reputation

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