
Team Alpha Impact

All, Announcement 13 Apr 2022

Alpha Impact’s Monthly Traders Incentives kicks off with $1,000 in recurring rewards

The Copy Trading Platform now has hundreds of new talented, experienced professional members on our platform who want to make forays into trading.

Since Alpha Impact hit 53 Million in trade volume during Q1 2022, we would like to announce the launch of our Traders Incentives Program today with $1,000 given away monthly.


Here’s how to qualify for the Monthly Incentives Program:

The $1,000 incentives are split into 2 categories,


  1. The Highest Returns

Once you’ve built up your trading skills and strategies, it’s time to get to real work. The winner will be decided on the basis of the highest returns each month on the App “Discover” Page (Raw Returns).

The details:

1/2 of the prize pool for the best trader— highest raw returns on Alpha Impact App [$500 USDT]

  • Results will be measured in monthly returns. For example, if you invested $50 and closed the trade when it reached $500, your ROI will be 900%.
  • Please note that copy trades and the trades opened before the start of the event won’t count.
  • The highest return each month will qualify for a $500 USDT reward.


2. The Most Engaging

Building profitable strategies is not just about finding an amazing idea or new signal just for yourself, you can share or discuss your strategies with the community by using the Hashtag #TA & #REWARDS when you’re sharing.

This is what makes Alpha Impact social trading so unique. It’s about helping each other out, sharing ideas, and growing as a trader community. The details:

1/2 of the prize pool for engaging social content [$500 USDT]

  • The result will be measured by the number of quality posts on crypto-related content with the hashtag #TA in each month.
  • The posts with the best technical analysis / most quality content will qualify for a $500 USDT reward.
  • Quality posts will qualify for a $500 USDT reward.


Last year, Alpha Impact launched 2 trading competitions, shaking up competitive spirits with traders who shared their portfolios on the application. Under the old program, only registered traders could qualify for rewards. Now, this incentive program is offered to all users on the platform who meet the eligibility criteria.


How to join?

Simply, sign up for an Alpha Impact account if you haven’t yet.

To participate in the category for the highest return, you would need to connect your Binance or Kucoin exchange to the platform so it can begin tracking your returns. You can learn more about connecting your Binance here or connecting your Kucoin here.

To participate in the category for most engaging, you would need to actively post technical analysis or crypto-related content using hashtag <#TA>.

Accumulated engagements on a user’s posts during that month will be considered for this category.

So what are you waiting for?


For more details: https://alphaimpact.fi/monthly-incentives-program/


Terms and conditions apply.

About Alpha Impact

Alpha Impact is a non-custodial, technology platform building social infrastructure and integrates with Interoperable Real-World Signals.

Our Interoperable platform provides real-time trade signals, multi-exchange trade execution, and advanced portfolio and risk management. This empowers signal providers to monetise their expertise and actionable insights through a social community.

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